Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Post-Plaque, Week One

Although Becca says my eye looks "like hamburger", it's working. There is no more double vision, and I am able to get the two eyes to focus together most of the time. My eye is itchy from the dissolving stitches. 

An invaluable source of information is Facebook support groups specific to OM patients and our friends and family. We ask questions, give and get answers, and share our experience, strength, and hope. Through one of these, I contacted a woman who lives just three blocks away! The odds of that are astronomical. She walked over, and we talked for 1 1/2 hours about the ups and downs, resources, treatments, and ways to deal with this horrible disease that has altered the course of our lives. She has no sight in her left eye. OM's aggressive metastatic nature manifested itself  nine years after brachytherapy, taking 50% of her liver. Four years after that, it formed lesions in her brain. And yet, this resilient woman is living a full, active life today, through many targeted interventions.
No one knows if this will happen to me also, but I am encouraged that there is hope if it comes to that. There is no cure, but the science is developing to prolong life.

"Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today."  ~ Thich Nhat Hanh


Unknown said...

HI Susan, glad to here you have been out a little. Thinking of you with every moment and praying you have good news. Sheri

Unknown said...

Susan, I don't use my gmail. Sheri

Angie Gibson said...

Praying for you Susan! Thank you for keeping us updated, I think about you and the family often.

Susan @ Less is More Life said...

Your prayers and good thoughts lift my spirits. I’m grateful your family found ours.