Sunday, November 4, 2018

Ticking off the Hours and Days

   Goldeneye (my pirate name) is counting down the minutes, hours, and days while the powerful radioactive isotopes do their job. Tonight I will be halfway through the treatment. 
   My eye is very irritated at best, and furious at the invasion sometimes. The eye muscle to open my lid has been cut, and the eyeball rolled upwards. It will be reattached when the plaque is taken out Wednesday. If I pull the lid open and peek out, it looks like what you would see in a funhouse mirror.
   I am passing the time with music, audiobooks, and Netflix. I'm so grateful to be able to come home between surgeries. Other patients are often kept in the hospital, or have to stay in a hotel because there are no ocular oncologists in their region.
  Your encouraging messages, cards and calls are keeping the demons of fear at bay. I can't tell you enough what a difference you are making.

P.S. For those that put in their email address for a subscription and didn't get it - look for a message from Feedburner. It may be in your Junk mail folder. It asks for you to verify that you requested it, and you need to click Yes.


Andrea Matousek said...

Hi - glad things are moving along and you are past the halfway point. I'm sure it is frustrating, but keep up the great work! It will be off your eye soon. Love you - Andy

Susan @ Less is More Life said...

Good to hear these encouraging words, Andrea.
Nothing about this is normal or easy, for sure.
Trying to work with it, as you said.

Unknown said...

Hi Susan,
Had my scheduled eye exam today and was surprised when my doctor said she didn't want to dilate my eyes today but instead did Optimap. Apparently I am far sided enough that I now have very tight "angles". She was worried that dilation with this condition could cause a kind of glaucomic attack that could cause severe migraine like headache. I did the optimap and found it very interesting to actually see my eyeballs. As I was waiting for Eric to finish up his exam I was thinking about you and hoping beyond hope that the radioactive patch is working and all will be fine with you. I do believe it will. Wednesday will be here before you know it. Make sure Jimmy takes good care of you!
see you soon (Thanksgiving is just around the corner)

Susan @ Less is More Life said...

Claudia, I'm so gratified that you and Eric got your exams done. You may have done it without my urging, but I know a few that were motivated to get their checkup. I have never heard of your "angles" condition. I'm learning more than I ever thought I would about eyesight. Isn't it great that we have digital imaging now? The cool part is that they are stored in your computer records, and they can be compared year to year. That is how the growth in my choroid was detected.
Thanks for your encouragement. I'll see you on Thanksgiving. Hopefully I won't have double vision (a side effect of treatment) and see two of you :)

Unknown said...

Thinking of you. Hope you have good days ahead. Sheri. Stay strong!