Thursday, November 8, 2018

Post-Plaque, Day One

Yesterday, the gold plaque was taken out in surgery, and the eye muscle reattached. Let the healing begin!
 This morning I woke up and uncovered the eye for the first time. I slowly try to raise the swollen lid. Whoaaa.....double, triple, quadruple vision. You know how they do that with the camera in movie dream sequences or acid trips? Yeah, like that. I reach for my cup of coffee but which one is real?  This visual disturbance may last for a week or two, maybe more.
I am relieved to see that there are no dead spots in my blurry field of vision, since the optic nerve isn't affected.

Treating the tumor with radiation does not result in immediate visible changes to it.  Once the eye and surrounding tissues have healed, I will go back to my ocular oncologist in 3 month intervals to see if the tumor is shrinking. 

This radiation treatment can never be repeated. It is too destructive. This is my best and only shot at disrupting the cancerous cells ability to reproduce and metastasize.

I've been asked - what about chemo? OM  does not respond to standard chemotherapy drugs. There are no systemic treatments available for this rare disease.

I am enveloped by all your prayers and healing thoughts, and soak them in as nourishment for my spirit. Thank you all.


Unknown said...

Blessings to you.You are a strong woman .

Andrea Matousek said...

How are you feeling today? Any improvement in your vision?

Susan @ Less is More Life said...

Yes, quite a bit better. I can almost get the two eyes to work together. Not so trippy now. I may have overdone it today, but I’m glad to be moving in the right direction. Xxooxx