Monday, January 21, 2019

Moving ahead :) - First check-up

There is a big grin on my face today. The first follow-up exam after the radiation with the ocular oncologist was this morning.
He says:  the tumor has shrunk by one-third!

The radioactive plaque therapy was successful, and the tumor may continue to shrink even more over the next year.

My vision is great - 20/30 (with glasses) in the melanoma eye. If any problems come up later, they can be addressed with surgery. It looks like I will keep the vision I have now!

I will have scans of liver and lungs in a few months, and for the rest of my life. I'm not worried. Newer immunotherapy treatments are being approved all the time.

These results are surely evidence that all your prayers are being answered. Thank you with all my heart.


Jimmy said...

Good to hear. Also testing comment function.

Susan @ Less is More Life said...

Thanks, love of my life 💙